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What Is a Clogged Milk Duct and How to Treat It?

Experiencing a clogged milk duct can be painful and frustrating for breastfeeding mothers. When one of your breast's milk ducts becomes blocked, it prevents milk from flowing properly, leading to discomfort and swelling. Understanding the causes, recognizing the symptoms, and learning how to get rid of a clogged milk duct is essential to keeping your breastfeeding journey on track. In this guide, we’ll explain what causes blocked breast milk ducts and offer practical solutions to clear them.

clogged milk duct

What Is a Clogged Milk Duct?

A clogged milk duct happens when one of the ducts in your breast gets blocked, causing milk to back up. These ducts are the pathways that carry milk from the milk-producing glands to your nipple. When a duct becomes obstructed, it leads to a small, firm lump in the breast, which can be painful.

While this condition can occur at any point during lactation, it's particularly common in the early weeks of breastfeeding as your body adjusts to producing milk. Clogged ducts are not the same as mastitis, though they can develop into mastitis if not treated.

Why Do Blocked Breast Milk Ducts Occur?

There are several reasons why blocked breast milk ducts may develop:

  1. Infrequent Nursing or Pumping: Breastfeeding or pumping less frequently can cause milk to stagnate, leading to blockages. Skipping feedings, or a baby not fully emptying the breast, are common reasons for a duct to clog.
  2. Tight Clothing or Pressure: Wearing a tight bra or other restrictive clothing can pressure the breast and prevent milk from flowing freely, leading to a blockage.
  3. Poor Latch: If your baby isn’t latching well, they may not empty the breast effectively, which can lead to clogged ducts.
  4. Stress and Fatigue: Stress can impact milk production and flow, and being overtired can also contribute to poor milk drainage.
a mother wearing eufy wearable breast pump

Common Clogged Milk Duct Symptoms

Identifying the symptoms of a clogged duct while breastfeeding can help you take action before it develops into a more serious condition like mastitis. Here are the most common clogged milk duct symptoms:

  • Pain or Tenderness: You may feel tenderness or pain in a localized area of the breast.
  • A Firm Lump: A firm, painful area that doesn’t go away after breastfeeding.
  • Localized Redness: The area around the blockage may become red and inflamed.
  • Decreased Milk Supply: The affected breast may produce less milk because the duct is blocked, though this usually resolves once the duct is unclogged.

Complications of Clogged Milk Ducts

If left untreated, a clogged milk duct can lead to further complications, including:

  1. Mastitis: When a blocked duct becomes infected, it can develop into mastitis. This is a more serious condition that causes flu-like symptoms, fever, and severe pain in the breast.
  2. Abscess: In rare cases, untreated mastitis can result in a breast abscess, which may require surgical drainage.

To avoid these complications, it’s essential to address blockages promptly and take proactive steps to prevent recurrence.

How to Get Rid of a Clogged Milk Duct?

Clearing a clogged milk duct usually involves a combination of home remedies and gentle care. Here’s how to get rid of a clogged milk duct:

  1. Frequent Nursing or Pumping: Nurse your baby frequently, aiming to empty the affected breast fully. If your baby isn’t nursing effectively, pump after feedings using a reliable pump to ensure the duct is cleared.
eufy Wearable Breast Pump S1 Pro
  1. Massage: Gently massage the affected area while breastfeeding or pumping. Start from behind the lump and move toward the nipple to help release the blockage.
  2. Warm Compress: Apply a warm compress or take a warm shower before nursing. The warmth helps open the duct and encourages milk flow.
  3. Proper Latch: Ensure that your baby has a good latch. A poor latch may cause inefficient milk removal, which contributes to blockages.
  4. Change Nursing Positions: Switching up your breastfeeding positions can help your baby drain different parts of the breast more effectively. Try the "football hold" or "side-lying" position for better drainage.
  5. Lecithin Supplements:Lecithin is a natural supplement that helps prevent clogged ducts by reducing milk stickiness, promoting smoother flow. Some women take it to lower the risk of recurring blockages, but consult your healthcare provider before starting lecithin.

How Can I Prevent Getting Clogged Milk Ducts?

While some factors are unavoidable, there are steps you can take to reduce your risk of developing blocked breast milk ducts:

  1. Feed Regularly: Frequent nursing or pumping helps keep the milk moving through the ducts and prevents blockages.
  2. Ensure a Proper Latch: A good latch ensures your baby empties the breast efficiently, reducing the chances of blockages.
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  1. Avoid Tight Clothing: Wearing tight clothes, underwire bras, or anything that puts pressure on your breasts can restrict milk flow and contribute to clogged ducts. Opt for comfortable, loose-fitting bras instead.
  2. Stay Hydrated and Maintain a Healthy Diet: Staying well-hydrated and eating a nutritious diet can support your overall health and milk production, making it easier for milk to flow freely through your ducts.
  3. Take Care of Your Nipples:Cracked or sore nipples can discourage regular feeding, leading to milk stasis and clogged ducts. Applying nipple cream and ensuring proper latch techniques can help keep nipples healthy.
  4. Use a Quality Breast Pump: A high-quality breast pump can be a game-changer for nursing mothers, especially when pumping becomes part of your daily routine. It helps ensure your breasts are emptied thoroughly, preventing milk from sitting in the ducts and reducing the risk of clogs.

For those seeking comfort and efficiency, the eufy Wearable Breast Pump S1 Pro is an excellent choice. With our innovative HeatFlow™ technology, it provides uniform warmth to enhance milk flow and prevent blockages. The smart features, customizable settings, and portability make it perfect for mothers on the go. Whether at home or away, this pump offers a tailored, hands-free experience for optimal convenience. It combines innovation and comfort for stress-free pumping.

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When Should I Seek Medical Help for a Clogged Milk Duct?

While most clogged milk ducts can be resolved at home, there are times when medical intervention is necessary:

  • Prolonged Blockage: If the blockage doesn’t resolve after a couple of days, it’s time to seek medical advice.
  • Symptoms of Mastitis: If you develop flu-like symptoms, fever, or your breast becomes more painful, you may have mastitis and should contact your healthcare provider immediately.
  • Abscess: In rare cases, untreated mastitis can lead to an abscess, which may need surgical drainage. If you suspect an abscess, seek medical help right away.


Dealing with a clogged milk duct can be uncomfortable, but with the right steps, it’s usually manageable. By nursing or pumping frequently, massaging the affected area, and using a quality breast pump like eufy wearable breast pump, you can help clear the blockage and prevent further complications. Remember, taking care of your overall health, staying hydrated, and addressing blockages early can help keep your breastfeeding experience as smooth as possible.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can you get clogged milk ducts if you're not lactating?

While clogged milk ducts are most common during breastfeeding, it is possible to experience duct blockages if you're not lactating. Hormonal changes, infection, or conditions like ductal ectasia can sometimes cause blockages in non-lactating women. If you notice persistent breast pain or a lump, it’s best to seek medical advice.

How do I know when a milk duct is unclogged?

You’ll know a milk duct is unclogged when the lump softens or disappears, and the pain or tenderness subsides. Additionally, you may notice an increase in milk flow during breastfeeding or pumping once the blockage is cleared.

Can clogged milk ducts reoccur?

Yes, clogged milk ducts can reoccur, especially if you’ve had them. Factors like skipping feedings, poor latch, tight clothing, or stress can increase the risk of repeated blockages. Ensuring a proper breastfeeding routine, using a high-quality breast pump like theWearable Breast Pump S1 Pro, and regular self-care can help minimize the risk.

H3: Is it safe to breastfeed with a clogged milk duct?

Yes, it is safe to continue breastfeeding with a clogged duct, and it's actually one of the best ways to clear the blockage. Frequent nursing helps keep milk flowing and prevents further build-up.

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