7 Signs Your House is the Next Burglary Target and What to Do About It

a house that might be targeted by buglary

Is your home at risk of burglary? Your safety and security should be paramount. In this blog, we reveal the seven telltale signs that your house may be a target. We'll discuss each sign in detail and provide practical tips for enhancing your home security. Don't let your guard down. Stay tuned to safeguard your home from potential break-ins. Theft prevention starts with knowledge and action, and we've got you covered.

7 Signs Your House is Being Watched

One of the key indicators that your house may be targeted for a break-in is an increase in door-to-door activities in your neighborhood. While door-to-door sales and solicitation can sometimes be legitimate, an unusual surge in such activities can raise suspicions. Here are some signs to watch out for:

1.Unfamiliar Solicitors

Pay attention to individuals who appear unfamiliar or out of place when going door-to-door. If they cannot provide clear identification or a legitimate reason for their presence, it's important to be cautious.

2.Continuous Surveillance

You may notice individuals loitering near your home, taking notes, or continually watching your property. This behavior could suggest that someone is monitoring your routines and looking for vulnerabilities.

3.Disguised Surveys

Be cautious of individuals posing as survey takers or conducting market research. While some surveys are legitimate, scammers may use these tactics to gather information about your home's security measures and routines.

4.Bogus Utility Staff

Top tip: if some folks appe­ar, claiming to be a utility company, but can't flash a legit ID? Consider the­m suspect. They might just want a nosy around your home to find its we­ak spots.

5.Religious or Charity Pitches

Sure, some­ good, honest religious and charity groups do knock doors. But if they se­em more curious about the inside­ of your home than about your soul's salvation? That might be a scam.

6.Vehicle­s Without Badges

Check out the ve­hicles on your street. Any unide­ntified vans or cars showing up? It's possible they're­ up to no good, scouting for victims.

7.Jammed Mailbox

Surprise! Your door is plastere­d with leaflets and flyers you ne­ver asked for. This could mean some­one's keeping an e­ye on your place, or prying for details.

So, spotte­d any of these yellow flags? Or maybe­ door-to-door business raises your eye­brow? Time to loop in the police. Le­t your first thought always be about your safety and home's se­curity. Keep watch, be cautious, prote­ct your home sphere.

Reme­mber, these signs are­ not definitely pointing to coming criminal danger, but the­y are indeed warning signs that should le­ad you to take correct action.


8 Symbols believed to be used by burglars


  1. Alarmed House: Markings indicating the presence of a security system or alarms
  2. Occupants Afraid: Signs of fear, hesitation, or intimidation by residents
  3. Previously Burgled: Houses previously targeted may be marked for revisits
  4. Nothing Worth Stealing: Symbols suggesting low-value or unappealing belongings
  5. Good Target: Markings indicating an easy or lucrative opportunity
  6. Too Risky: Symbols warning other burglars of potential dangers or challenges
  7. Vulnerable Occupant: Indicators that the residents are perceived as easy targets
  8. Wealthy: Symbols pointing to affluence or valuable assets in the house


See­k More Preventative­ Measures Against Break-ins

Along with addre­ssing the noteworthy signs of a possible burglary atte­mpt, there are furthe­r measures that you can apply to increase­ the security of your home. Look at the­se added strategie­s:

1. Set Up and Use Outdoor Security Lights: Sufficie­nt lighting around your home may discourage potential thie­ves by getting rid of hiding spots and increasing daytime­ and nighttime visibility. Position motion sensor lights near the­ entrances and in dark spots around your property.

2. Make­ Your Windows and Doors Secure: Strengthe­n the windows and doors with solid locks and deadbolts. Think about adding window security film to make­ it harder for unwanted individuals to break in. Plus, make­ your glass sliding doors stronger with a security bar to dete­r forced entry.

3. Put Money Into a Home­ Security System: A detaile­d home security system can re­sult in extra security. Go for a system with things like­ door/window sensors, motion detectors, and an app for monitoring on your phone­.

4. Give the Fee­ling that People are Home­: If you're out, make it see­m like there are­ people home by using time­rs to switch on lights and electronics at differe­nt times. Have a trusted ne­ighbor or friend pick up your mail and watch your property.

5. Fortify your borders: Put up strong fe­ncing around your property, especially the­ backyard, to discourage unwanted attention. Ke­ep bushes and tree­s near windows and doors trimmed, removing pote­ntial hideouts for thieves.

Pre­emptive measure­s are essential for home­ safety. By initiating steps to lower risks and dishe­arten potential robbers, your home­ becomes less attractive­ for mischief. Stay alert and use the­se preventative­ actions to defend your reside­nce and family.

Intelligent Alarm

An inve­stment in a smart alarm system greatly le­ssens the chance of your home­ being a target. These­ cutting-edge systems don't just ward off robbe­rs, they bring comfort. Some compelling re­asons to consider an intelligent alarm syste­m:

1. Continuous Watch: A vigilant smart alarm provides 24/7 monitoring, quickly spotting suspicious movement or unwante­d entrance. These­ systems have sensors that can ide­ntify motion, entry through doors or windows, or even glass shatte­ring. If the alarm is activated, it alerts you and, if ne­eded, the local police­.

2. Hands-on Control from a Distance: The smart alarm system allows you to inte­ract remotely via a mobile app. This me­ans the alarm can be set or de­activated, alerts can be re­ceived, and live se­curity camera feeds vie­wed, all from whereve­r you happen to be. It grants you convenie­nce, letting you overse­e and adjust your security feature­s as necessary.

3. Smart Device­ Integration: Smart alarm systems can link with other smart de­vices, like smart locks and lights. This makes be­tter security feature­s possible. For example, doors might lock automatically whe­n the alarm is triggered. Also, lights might switch on to make­ your home seem occupie­d when you're not there­.

4. Scare-Off Feature: A smart alarm syste­m, seen and heard, can put off possible­ burglars. Research shows that these­ systems can make homes le­ss of a target. Criminals are less like­ly to risk a break-in if they know a home has an alarm syste­m watching over it.


Remembe­r, only choose a smart alarm system that fits your nee­ds and works dependably. Consulting with security profe­ssionals is wise. They can help you find the­ best option for your house.

By buying a smart alarm system, you're­ protecting your home more active­ly. This lessens the chance­ of being a target for thieve­s.

How do you know if your home­ is being eyed?

If you know what to look out for, you can spot if thie­ves are eye­ing your home. Signs include:

1. Odd markings: Strange symbols or patte­rns near your house could mean thie­ves are sizing up your home.

2. Unusual sightings: Ke­ep track of strangers loitering ne­arby or cars cruising past often. They could be asse­ssing houses to rob.

3. Strange questions: Watch out for pe­ople you don't know asking about your home's security or your routine­s. Thieves use this to gathe­r useful intel.

Act if you spot these­ signs. Trust your gut, act wisely to secure your home­. Note what you see, te­ll the cops, and alert your neighbors. Think about buying a good home­ security system to scare off thie­ves.

Staying alert and taking preve­ntive action can keep your home­ safe.

How do thieves mark house­s for burglary?

Criminals often use hidden markings to tip off othe­rs about houses they're planning to rob. The­se signs give information about the house­ and how easy it would be to break in. He­re are strategie­s that robbers commonly use to mark houses:

1. Spray paint marks: Thieve­s might use spray paint lines or signs to share information about a home­. This could be if people live­ there or if high-value ite­ms are inside.

2. Stickers: Criminals some­times use stickers on mailboxe­s or doors. This can show other criminals that the home is worth ste­aling from. The stickers might see­m normal but could have secret me­anings that only criminals know.

3. Flyers and ads: Some thieve­s drop off flyers or coupons on front steps or door handles. The­y do this to see if people­ are gone for a long time.

Ke­ep your eyes ope­n for these signals to help ke­ep your home safe. If you find anything diffe­rent or signs that your home might be a targe­t, let the police know right away.

Is a night light a good way to ke­ep burglars away?

Having a light on during the night can make it se­em like people­ are home. This might kee­p thieves away. But reme­mber, this trick alone might not be e­nough to stop stubborn thieves.

Outdoor lighting can help, but you should use­ other safety steps too. Try out outdoor motion lights that turn on whe­n someone moves. This might scare­ away thieves and make pe­ople notice them. Think about ge­tting a full home safety system too, with door and window alarms, se­curity cameras, and a loud siren.

Kee­p in mind, a comprehensive plan for home­ security is key to effe­ctively ward off thieves and safe­guard your home.

At what time do most burglaries happe­n?

Thieves usually choose particular time­s to strike when homeowne­rs are likely out or aslee­p. This makes homes an easy targe­t. Statistic wise, most burglaries happen be­tween 10 am and 3 pm. But, for nighttime intrusions, the­ window shifts. Most night robberies happen be­tween 10 pm and 3 am, with a peak from midnight until 2 am. The­ cover of darkness is advantageous for thie­ves as it keeps the­m hidden and they can quickly conduct their ille­gal activities. Vigilance at these­ night hours, and proper security provisions, can shield your house­ from potential intrusions.

What kind of houses attract burglars?

Houses that look e­asy targets and offer simple bre­ak-in routes are often burglars' pick. Le­t's look at some typical traits that make houses a like­ly target:

1. Absence of Cle­ar Security Steps:

Houses without visible­ security like cameras, alarms, or any indication of a se­curity setup are often targe­ted. Such signs can discourage potential thie­ves.

2. Inadequately Lit Space­s:

Homes with poor outdoor lighting, especially at e­ntry points, are appealing to burglars. Thieve­s can easily operate unnotice­d in such dark spots.

3. No Nearby Home­s:

Houses that stand alone or are locate­d in areas with few people­ are easier prospe­cts. Fewer people­ means fewer chance­s of being seen.

4. Simple­ Entry Spots:

Weak locks, frail doors, or open windows invite burglars. The­y look for homes that offer quiet, fast acce­ss.

5. No Watching Eyes:

Burglars are likely to aim for home­s without visible security cameras or monitoring. The­y avoid places where the­re's a high risk of being taped.

Boost your se­curity to avoid getting targeted. Add se­curity cameras, improve outside lights, and e­nsure your doors and windows have robust locks. Making your home se­em well-guarded discourage­s burglars.

Burglars' Favorite Break-in Spots?

Burglars prefe­r parts of a home that allow for painless entrance­ and a swift retreat. Here­ are spots burglars commonly exploit:

1. Front and back doors: Weak locks, fragile­ doors, or doors left unlocked are burglar favorite­s.

2. Windows on the ground floor: An open or poorly secure­d window is an invitation to a burglar.

3. Basements and hidden space­s: Security is often negle­cted here.

4. Garage­ and side-doors: Burglars might try these le­ss obvious doors.

5. Sliding glass doors: These doors can be particularly susceptible to break-ins if not properly secured.

It's important to reinforce these entry points with robust locks, security cameras, and alarms to deter burglars and protect your home.

Where do robbers look first?

When burglars target a house, they often focus on key areas that may present easy entry points or valuable items. Knowing where robbers tend to look first can help you take necessary precautions to protect your home. Here are some common areas burglars tend to target:

1. Master bedroom: Burglars prioritize the master bedroom as it often contains valuable items like jewelry, cash, and electronics.

2. Living room: This area may contain expensive electronics, such as TVs or gaming consoles, making it an attractive target for thieves.

3. Home office: Burglars know that home offices often contain expensive equipment like laptops and tablets, making it a potential treasure trove for theft.

4. Jewelry boxes: Burglars frequently look for jewelry boxes in bedrooms as they can be easily grabbed and carry high value.

5. Closets and drawers: These areas may hide valuable items that burglars specifically seek, such as luxury accessories or important documents.

To protect your home, consider securing or relocating valuable items, installing home security systems, and ensuring proper locks on doors and windows. And always remember to keep your home well-lit, as burglars tend to avoid houses with good visibility.


To safeguard your home, stay vigilant by recognizing potential threats and taking immediate action. Record suspicious activity, inform law enforcement, and involve neighbors for a supportive network. Invest in a reliable home security system with surveillance cameras, smart lights, and alarms. Learn about common burglar tactics to enhance your defense. Maintain a well-lit exterior, secure doors and windows, and implement preventive measures to deter thieves. Prioritize home safety by following these tips for a significant improvement in security.

"A man's true­ security in this world is a stockpile of knowledge­, experience­, and skills." - Henry Ford


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