I live in a VERY windy little town; on the main drag, downtown; which is also a major truck by-pass for I-70. As a result, there is a LOT of windblown dust, sand, and grit flying about; which, I found, over a period of 14 months, or so, filled up (through the release key hole/top of camera) the little area within the spring-operated latch mechanism, on the back of the camera... with dust/sand/grit... such that it would (finally) no longer latch the camera into position. I remember using increasing force, over time, to get the camera latched; using an initially mild 'palm slap'... of increasing force & frequency, over time, to get the job done. Eventually, that broke the retention clip protrusion within the (mounting) base plate, that the latching mechanism adheres onto.
The last time I recharged the battery, I thought I had gotten the camera to latch into place, and had left it so, in confidence; only to discover, some five weeks later, at the time I needed to remove the camera for it's next-needed recharge... that the camera was not only NOT latched in place... but that mere friction, alone, had retained it in the mount... w/o it falling to the concrete, below... and breaking! (or being stolen by vandals)
I ordered two replacement mounting plates (one, as spare, for future). Camera now (easily) latches into place, properly.
I covered the removal key access hole with a little strip of Scotch tape - (future) mount retention problem(s) resolved.